??2020- 北京大学经济新会员注册即送58元 长聘副教授
2017- 北京大学经济新会员注册即送58元 预聘副教授
??2014- 北京大学经济新会员注册即送58元 助理教授
中级微观经济学, 秋季 2014-2020
?中国经济史,春季 2016-2021
?中华人民共和国经济史,春季 2015-2017
郝煜*,薛邦硕, 2023. 《分权的崩溃:清末财政摊派对地方政府附加税和民变的影响》,《经济科学》45(3): 225-240.
Yu Hao*, Zheng-Cheng Liu, Xi Weng, and Li-an Zhou, “The Making of Bad Gentry: The Abolition of Keju, Local Governance and Anti-elite Protests, 1902–1911", the Journal of Eonomic History, 82.3 (2022): 625-661.
Yu Hao*, Yuanzhe Li, and John Nye, "Wiring China: The Impact of Telegraph Construction on Grain Market Integration in Late Imperial China, 1870-1911", the Economic History Review, 75 (2022): 857-880.
Yu Hao, "Social mobility in China, 1645–2012: A surname study", China Economic Quarterly International, 1.3(2021): 233-243
郝煜,2021,《 蒙住眼,因为剁手难——为什么清代不能建立合理化的央地财政分权》. 《近代史学刊》(2), 7.
郝煜,2021,《中国的姓氏、籍贯和长期社会流动性,1645-2012》,《 经济学季刊 》2021年第三期, 1023-1043。
Yu Hao* and Zheng-Cheng Liu, “Taxation, fiscal capacity and credible commitment in eighteenth-century China: the effects of the formalization and centralization of informal surtaxes”, the Economic History Review,73.4(2020): 914-939.
? Yu Hao and Meng Xue*, “Friends from Afar: Migration, Cultural Proximity and Primary Schooling in Lower Yangzi, 1850---1949”, Explorations in Economic History, 63 (2017): 44–69.
? Yu Hao, “Converging Mainlander and Native Taiwanese, 1945-2010”, Australian Economic History Review, 57 (2017): 84-107.
? Zhou, Jianbo, Yu Hao*, Fujie Jin, and Jiantao Zhou. "Shanxi Merchants’ Multilevel Financial System in Ming and Qing Dynasties, China." Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 53, no. 2 (2017): 376-386.
郝煜,2017,《蒙住眼,因为剁手难—为什么大一统的中华帝国晚期越来越“轻徭薄赋”, 也越来越腐败 》,《 经济资料译丛 》2017年第三期。
?郝煜,2016,《中华帝国晚期的一个政治经济学框架》,《 经济资料译丛 》2016年第四期。
?Clark, Gregory*, Neil Cummins, Yu Hao, and Dan Diaz Vidal. "Surnames: A New Source for the History of Social Mobility." Explorations in Economic History, 55 (2015): 3-24.
?郝煜,2013,《中国的长期社会流动性:姓氏方法》,《 经济资料译丛 》2013年第二期。
??Gregory Clark, with Neil Cummins, Yu Hao, and Daniel Diaz Vidal, “The Son Also Rises: surnames and the history of social mobility” , Princeton University press, 2014 .
??郝煜,2014,《基因,历史长期延续性和路径依赖的一个根源:G·克拉克经济史研究综述》, 《 量化历史研究— 第一辑》 ,浙江大学出版社。
Yu Hao and Zheng-Cheng Liu*, 2024, “Top-down Monitoring or Top-down Encroachment? How Centralization Undermined Fiscal Capacity in China”, working paper.
Yu Hao* and Wang Yuxiang, 2024, "Telegraph and Capital Market Integration: evidence from Late Imperial China", under review.
Yu Hao* and Wang Yuxiang, 2024, "Telegraph, media and state information capacity in Late Imperial China", working paper.
Yu Hao* and Zhu Yueyang, 2024, "Exam Content, Printed Books, and Social Mobility: Evidence from the Keju Reform in Song China,1022-1125", working paper.
Yu Hao*, Ma Ningning, Xi Tianyang, and You Wuyue, 2023, "Recruiting new agents: Land reform and state building in China, 1949-1957", under review.
Shuo Chen, Fan Xinyu*, and Yu Hao, 2023, “The Emperor’s Tael: Fiscal Centralization and Tax Protests in Qing China, 1644-1912”. under review.
Yu Hao* and Ma Zhangchi, 2023, "Disaster in reins: droughts, locust outbreaks, and state capacity in premodern China, 1644-1911". working paper.
??Yu Hao and Tianyang Xi, 2019, “Imperial Exams as a Representative Institution”, Peking University working paper.
??2013年, Dissertation Fellowship, UC Davis (加州大学戴维斯分校论文答辩奖学金)
??2012年,Economic History Association (EHA) Dissertation Fellowship(世界经济史学会博士论文答辩奖学金,每年3名)